I’ve turned 50, and just writing these words fills me with emotion. Unlike previous milestones—turning 20, 30, or 40—this moment feels profoundly significant. While many around me celebrated those milestones, I never felt the same urgency to mark those occasions. Yet, this time, I find myself wanting to do something special with this birthday, celebrate… {Read More}
Fear – A ‘Sab’ Story
If you have been following my latest posts on Linkedin, its all about the Sage vs Saboteurs, positive vs negative feelings in your head and how to conquer those Saboteurs (Sabs), to free ourselves from this unnecessary and often self-created torment of the mind. While I was sitting in the autumn sun, sipping on my… {Read More}
Back to School 2020-21
Unbelievable but true! Our summer holiday 2020 is officially over as kids are back to school today. Usually for me the last week of summer would be the busiest – washing the school backpacks or buying new ones, organising stationery, buying new uniform, shoes and socks included. Finally on D-day getting kids ready, packing their… {Read More}
“Just keep going Mumtrepreneurs!”
It’s not easy being a Mumtrepreneur! The word ‘Mum-trepreneur’ very rightly puts the Mum before the ‘preneur’. And that’s how it is actually in terms of priority. All our time, work and effort is first dedicated to keeping the home and family stable and after that only if we have some time and energy left… {Read More}
Going Grey
There are so many ways in which I would like to start this post. Talk about beauty, experience, age, emotions, life, colour. Grey colour? Is it even a colour or merely a shade? Does it represent uncertainty or indifference, age or maturity, boredum or modesty? Not a favourite colour for many, certainly not mine and yet why… {Read More}
Welcome to our world
Another day, another surge of hope. I struggle to manage my bags as I wait in the sweltering sun, looking for a taxi to take me to my destination. And while I may curse the heat, the wait and the fact that I am going to “work” on a Saturday, I can’t wait to get… {Read More}
The only way to do great work is to love what you do
January 30, 2015. Phew! I am exhausted! It’s 11 pm. I have finally managed to finish off all my chores and am now resting my aching back on my comfy bed, pulling my soft, warm quilt upto my neck. Never felt this good lying down! What’s more, I feel better talking about my day to… {Read More}
Hiking alone
While I love hiking with friends, hiking alone has it’s own set of pleasures. So this morning I decided to set off for a hike all by myself. I started off on a much-trodden trail going up to the highest point of Hong Kong island – The Peak. I was planning to go up… {Read More}
SUMMER has its own facebook page!
So excited to launch a facebook page for my own home-venture! Feelings came pouring out in these words….. Would love to have your encouragement and support. So please go and ”like” my page @ https://www.facebook.com/summer.garments Thank you!
From MBA to SAHM
I wake up this morning with a sense of purpose. ‘I have to clean out the kitchen cabinet today,’ I think out loud. Besides I have an early lunch appointment with a dear friend this afternoon so I must hurry up, I tell myself. I march out of the bedroom with a sense of purpose, all… {Read More}