Another day, another surge of hope. I struggle to manage my bags as I wait in the sweltering sun, looking for a taxi to take me to my destination. And while I may curse the heat, the wait and the fact that I am going to “work” on a Saturday, I can’t wait to get there! Butterflies flutter in in my tummy as I eagerly anticipate the day’s activities, how nicely I am going to set up my table, how I would proudly display my freshly printed business cards and how I would join in the camaraderie that fills up the space. It’s a place filled with energy, passion, dedication and with a mind-numbing sense of purpose and belief in what we all do. Welcome to the world of mumtrepreneurs!
We are probably in the age range of 30-50 years, some of us greying at the sides with a last-minute attempt to cover up before the event, a few budding wrinkles popping out on our faces, sporting chic clothes on our ‘well toned’ bodies – thanks to all those hiking and boot camp sessions, some respectable jewellery and a touch of eye liner to the tired eyelids. But the best way to spot us is to see the beaming radiance on our faces. A smile that says a thousand words, that reflects the pride that we feel in having nurtured and cared for our kids till we felt that our cooking, cleaning and chauffeuring services were no longer needed… well at least not as much. After years of hibernation at home with our children, there is a trepidation as we step out into the real world. After the first few nervous steps, a sense of freedom engulfs us we re-discover ourselves, brush off the dust those achievement certificates and degrees finally putting it to good use. We are in search of something that earns a bit of revenue, something that brings a bit of fame but most important something that makes us hold up our heads high and show the world with a quiet confidence – Yes I have done it!
So here I am at an event proudly displaying SUMMER – my entrepreneurial venture, in this sea of energetic women, ready to make my mark on the world. Are you with me?
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