Unbelievable but true! Our summer holiday 2020 is officially over as kids are back to school today. Usually for me the last week of summer would be the busiest – washing the school backpacks or buying new ones, organising stationery, buying new uniform, shoes and socks included. Finally on D-day getting kids ready, packing their… {Read More}
Life in the time of Corona – a Mum’s perspective
This is one title that I didn’t have to break my head over as it flowed out naturally when I started writing. “Corona” – Unless you happen to live in a surreal world, meditating peacefully in a hut on the Himalayas, blissfully unaware of the turmoil that the world is going through, you would know… {Read More}
After-school activities – Finding the right balance
“Finally!” I sighed and put my pen down. It had taken me three full weeks to research, plan and finalise the activities for my children to do this summer. It sounds easy but isn’t so. I had to find a perfect combination of their interests, abilities, their needs and the classes offered. Take into consideration… {Read More}
Back from camp!
He is back! 4 days and 3 nights away from home at the school camp. It felt quite different and strange not to have him around. For me the second night was the worst of all as I kept thinking about him, about how he would be faring. So today I had gone to school… {Read More}
Top 10 lunch box items for kids
Now that the long summer break is officially over and all schools have resumed with their new term, mums are finally getting some ME time over long coffee morning sessions. As quickly as the conversation starts with “How was your summer?” it invariably changes track to school, new term, new teachers and the stress of… {Read More}
All set for BIG school now!
I called him “Dolly” in his ‘toddler-hood’ days as I believed that God had gifted this walkie-talkie, rolly-polly doll just for me to play! I loved doing everything with him, watching him giggle while he played a prank, trying to catch him when he ran around the house in circles creating havoc everywhere, he was… {Read More}
Just a week more to go
Can’t believe it’s the last week of school. Can’t believe the mad rush every morning, noon and night is about to end or rather pause for the next 7 weeks. I can feel the tempo slowing down already. After-school activities are ending, some already have. It’s the week of saying goodbyes to friends, teachers and to… {Read More}
All good things come to an end – Graduation day!
Its over! After all these weeks of waiting, practising lines and hearing snippets of what’s in store, Graduation Day has come and gone. A big word for a 5-year old and yet it seems apt that he had one. After all it is a big move from kindergarten to Primary! It helps to prepare the… {Read More}
Happy Mother’s Day
Yesterday I was invited to my younger son’s school for their Mother Day’s celebrations – ‘Mother’s Day Carnival’ as the invite card said. Judging by the previous year’s celebrations I knew they would be doing something special for us and I was quite looking forward to it. But I had absolutely no clue about what… {Read More}
Short stories written by my son
Given below are two short narratives written by my elder son who is 8 years old. Unlike our Indian education system, school books are not sent back home everyday so I happened to read these in his English draft book during our recent parent-teachers meet. My Samsung Galaxy quickly helped me capture these stories before… {Read More}