I had received an invitation to visit Trick Eye Museum sometime in November last year but our weekends were so packed with the boys’ activities, my work-related bazaars, my husband’s rugby commitments, plus planning for a big upcoming family event, that we could never find the time or the energy to enjoy this little treat together. Turned out for the best though for… {Read More}
Mo Tat Wan – a peaceful paradise
A deserted beach in the heart of a bustling city? Too good to be true and yet this vast expanse of sand and sea lined with a canopy of green hills with no one but my son in sight is just what I am experiencing right now! A pleasant 25 minute ferry ride from Aberdeen brings… {Read More}
A visit to Noah’s Ark in Hong Kong
Incredible but true! The world’s only full size replica of Noah’s Ark, in our own city, in Hong Kong! Maybe it was too unbelievable, maybe it wasn’t marketed as well as the other attractions in Hong Kong or simply maybe because my boys have grown up too fast, which why might explain why we took so long… {Read More}