I’m here now, the path’s ahead, A journey long, where dreams are fed. The climb is steep, the goal unknown, But I’ll embrace this path I own. So I sit and soak in the sun’s warm grace, Listening closely to nature’s embrace. Then I rise, shake off the dust, With every step, I reignite my trust. For at the peak, they… {Read More}
“What should I post on Facebook?”
Honestly I did not realise how difficult it would be to get back to my “virtual” life! I’ve been off Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for over 3 weeks now. Yes it was intentional- to give myself some space, some room to breathe, some time to think, some thoughts to reflect upon – without having the… {Read More}
4 years old!
They say when kids are young time just flies and it couldn’t be more true. I feel like I just have to blink my eyes for the months to rush by! Was it really 4 years ago that I gave birth to this blog? Almost 5 years since we’re here in Hong Kong? And 9… {Read More}