He is 8. Could be another year before his innocence will be replaced by reality, but until then, there is no harm in dreaming, no harm in drifting away into a fantasy world where elves and fairies are working hard to wrap your presents and get them ready on schedule to be delivered by Santa. While we were having this conversation, my younger son is already fast asleep, maybe he is petting a reindeer in his dream-world!You better watch out
You better not cry
You better not pout
I’m telling you why
Santa Claus is coming to town!Merry Christmas to all my readers!!!
Hi Mehroo! again I read this while on holiday so sorry couldnt comment earlier.
I loved reading this one, and I so agree with no harm in dreaming and believing in Santa till one can 🙂 And what a lovely Xmas tree, love that train 🙂
Hi Reena, yes beautiful tree with the rain, but not in my house 🙁 This one belongs to Parsi Club that had hosted a Christmas party for the kids.
The kids' innocent banter that night led me to writing this post. I normally try and write some very cute things that they say in their individual baby books, but now I have this tool! Hope some day they will go through all these memories that I am making for them….your comment included 🙂