As I sit in the bus going for one more birthday party I can’t help thinking about my elder son’s first birthday bash that we organised in the Yacht Club, Mumbai. It was the single most important event to occupy my mind months before the actual party. How do we celebrate it– on a big… {Read More}
A visit to the Wet Market
This post was featured on The HK Hub, a one-stop site for expats in Hong Kong, on March 21, 2013. Visit The title of this post reminds me of the essays we were asked to write in Primary school — A visit to the museum, a visit to the seashore or a visit to the post-office. My… {Read More}
“You must start a blog!” insisted my husband
“You must start a blog!” insisted my husband. Now I know why. During my day there are so many things that happen, just normal things — funny incidents, some stranger on the road who is extra kind or rude with me, finding an irresistible Groupon ad, the kids saying something really cute, not being able to… {Read More}
I am ready!
Phew! Its been more than two weeks now since my first post, and ever since I have been working hard at getting the blog look and feel right with enough content to start off with my official visitor. Every spare minute that I had, whether on the bus, at the football field, during my sons’… {Read More}
Julie – end of a life, end of a ”tradition”
My English cocker spaniel, Julie a.k.a. Juliet breathed her last today- 31st May 2012. She passed away peacefully in my mother’s house in Mumbai where she had been living since the last 12 years of her life. She died in my mother’s arms, who had been her sole carer after I moved out of India…. {Read More}
While I was jogging…
It is amazing the number of thoughts that just come and fill my mind while i am on my daily (well…almost daily) jog. I first started regular jogging in England and i thank my then personal trainer,Nina to get me started. Initially of course you cannot think of anything but the aches and groans, but… {Read More}
I heard about this term for the very first time when my elder son was 3 years old. “Playdate?” I had asked this mum who was one of my first ‘mummy’ friends in HK, just to re-confirm that I had heard correctly. “Do you mean that we have to fix a time and a place… {Read More}
My ”kids” before my kids
I was never a ”kids” person. If I saw people cooing and aahing to a pretty baby, I would always wonder what the fuss was all about. I would dread if there was a baby or a small child sitting next to me on an aircraft and I wouldn’t for my life understand what was… {Read More}
The NO joy of walking
Sounds ridiculous when I say that in the HK context and no i am not talking about weekend hikes or trail walks amongst lush greenery as mentioned in countless trail guides, I am just talking about everyday simple walking. Like walking from home to the supermarket, from school to home, walking across just to meet… {Read More}
A diary, a baby book, a blog
I loved keeping a diary as a child. One of those fancy girlish ones, to pour my heart into at the end of an eventful day or week. It was NOT meant to maintain any records, to work on my communication skills or to just while away time. It was just some place I could… {Read More}