Coaching: Let’s start at the very beginning
Capturing the moments and memories of this beautiful new phase in my life.
End-January 2020: With corona virus spreading across Hong Kong and number of cases rising, schools were asked to shut down. We were in Mumbai over Chinese New Year and what had been a short 5-day trip to the city for a family wedding turned out to be a month-long extension as we postponed our flights intending to “stay safe” in Mumbai.
February 2020: While I was I happy that we were relatively safe and I could enjoy a longer holiday, the working bug in me started biting within a week. Business was slow through the previous months of protests in Hong Kong and had now come to a grinding halt. My mind started racing. What next, what can I do to keep my business going? In retrospect the actual question to ask was “What can I do to keep myself going?”
March 2020: After some trials and errors on new ideas for my current business, I realized that this was not the solution I was looking for. After starting my career in corporate sales and marketing, followed a fulfilling role as a stay-at-home mom to my boys and the last few years of being a “mom-preneur” running an exciting clothing and events business, I felt that I needed something different – something that I love and something that is sustainable over a period of time. I started researching on the internet, looking for an answer. My searches were quite random and pretty general. ‘Flexible job from home, rewarding job for women, inspiring jobs, etc.’ I am not sure how or when but along with the other answers that came up, what struck my attention and curiosity was the word ‘Coaching.’
April 2020: I immediately started more research into Coaching. Reading articles, blogs, related websites, connecting with global and local coaches on Linkedin, connecting with coaches in my network, I also had virtual conversations with some of them trying to understand more about the world of coaching. I got some answers to my questions and then I had more questions! While these coaches came from different backgrounds, had undergone their coach training from different companies and geographies, I started sensing a common underlying tone in this community – that of positivity, friendliness and mental wellbeing. I soon found out about ICF (International Coaching Federation) and realized that there was some kind of regulation in this unregulated coaching industry. I made up my mind that if I did go ahead to become a coach, it had to be an ICF credentialed Coach! That helped me narrow down my research as I found out more about ICF accredited programs. With covid-19 and working from home going strong I did not limit myself to geographical boundaries, as I explored programs across continents and had conversations with some short-listed ICF accredited coaching companies. Budget, content and quality of the program, convenience of schedule and post-course learning opportunities were some of the key factors that guided me while choosing the “right” coaching program for myself. “Coaching is a journey” I was told by a PCC coach who was extremely calm and patient with my persistent direct questioning on the many facets of coaching. Three days and three long conversations later, I joined the program he was leading.
May 2020: With stars in my eyes and hope in my heart, I started on my brand-new coaching journey. Bonus: I convinced my better-half to join the program along with me!
Cover Photo by Danielle MacInnes on Unsplash
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