One of the best things about writing a blog is that you get to revisit your memories in great detail. My blog is 4 years old now and it’s so much fun to sit back and laugh through past posts, events, incidents. Whether it was about how inundated I felt managing housework, family, kids leaving no time for myself or how upset I felt when my little boy moved to Primary school leaving me ALL the time in the world, or how it was so difficult for me to let go of my older son. Holidays…are you having fun talks about my perception of fun during a holiday and how it has changed over the decades. I had written this post in 2012 which was only 4 years ago but our concept of a holiday already seems to be changing. While just a few years ago I had to plead for some kind of relaxation during a holiday, even if it meant taking a quick 15-minute massage, ever since I’ve stepped into my 40s and my kids into pre-teens, the concept of holidays seems to be changing dramatically!
40+ years – The first time I felt this change was when we went back home for summer about 2 years ago. I had planned my holiday perfectly well as always, with playdates, new places to go, movies to watch and just a few activities to keep the boys busy. I was also planning to sneak out a bit and enjoy some relaxation time at the hair dressers and with my friends. However turned out that I didn’t have to “sneak out” after all as the boys were more than happy to stay put at home with their cousins! No more ‘Can I come with you? Where are you going? or When will you be back?’ At first I was concerned as this was not their normal behaviour but then I was elated at having so much free time to myself! Most of the holidays after that followed the same pattern. The kids pretty much became invisible during the day, except when they got hungry or sick. I have more than enough time now to read books, get endless manicures and massages and drink coffee without being grabbed by them. In fact on our last holiday we even booked a separate room for the kids!
It is amazing how life comes round a circle. I can see my elder son doing some of the things that I did in the 11-20 years, where books became inseparable and playing with pets have been replaced with his phone and PS Games! In fact currently we are in the midst of our summer holidays and the last two weeks have mostly been spent lazing around the couch. Yes, we did go swimming, to the beach, for trampolining, indoor climbing, to the club but all these outings have been at my insistence only. If I leave it to them they are more than happy to sit at home and CHILL! And now with the teenage years so close to their heels I wonder if family holidays would be replaced with ‘couple holidays’? Let’s wait n’ watch!
Meanwhile I would love to hear about what your holiday means to you – with or without children.
Hi Mehroo, I came quite late on this post but holidays always give us a sense of peace and is very rejuvenating to our soul. Guess, as children grow up, they want their space and give the same to parents.
Absolutely Vishal. Life comes a full circle. Just that we are in a rush to pass through the first half, whereas we look for ways and means to slow down the second.