I loved keeping a diary as a child. One of those fancy girlish ones, to pour my heart into at the end of an eventful day or week. It was NOT meant to maintain any records, to work on my communication skills or to just while away time. It was just some place I could write or rather talk about my feelings, my opinions, my interests, my likes, my dislikes, my pets, my hates. I would consider my diary to be my best friend and would re-visit some of the happier entries when I felt low or just needed someone to talk to. I stopped though one day and my diaries gathered dust.
But just a couple of years ago – 8 years to be precise I started writing a baby book and discovered how much happiness it gave me to write about something so ordinary like my baby’s milestones in height and weight or the first time he got a tooth or the first time he crawled! Well, life is about simple pleasures and I have now replaced that diary and baby book with my blog and hope to take you with me on my life’s ordinary journey.
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